Wednesday, June 6, 2012


A classmate actually showed me this advertisement as a response to the Bacardi commercial that I just posted. Both are excellent examples of using music to emphasize the message of the brand, but this was so inspiring that I had to write about it immediately after seeing it. Lovemarks are brand names that have a strong ethos, or emotional appeal. Coke has been the representitive drink of American spirit for a long time, and this commercial further shows the importance of that emotional connection. America is the place where everyone gets their fifteen minutes of fame, but there is also a much deeper message here: Coke brings people together. It always has, and will continue to do so for a long time. It is a common ground that has been rooted in the American Dream, inspiring us for countless years. I think that this commercial is beautifully done, showing how the entire world can be connected by a single act. Coke always goes back to ideas of love and family, which is a brilliant way to ensure an emotional connection with the audience. We all want to make a change for the better, and it can come from any corner. The ability to show a softdrink as inspiring change rather than mereley inspiring good taste is sheer genius.

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